Thursday, June 1, 2017

I figured out why people are dropping from games...and I have proof...But you can't see it.

So I've encountered many games where 1-2 of my teammates drop from the game at the start and my team gets rolled mercilessly.After this started happening more frequently, I started looking at the teammates themselves.After all this happens pretty frequently in ranked and rarely in non (for me anyway). So why is that?Well I used some sources available to me and quickly found out the players who dropped from my teams most frequently have an unusually high number of resignations from matches.The real kicker is, the players who drop from ranked matches are almost always on the friend list of people from the opposing team's.So I dug a little further and found a tactic called 3v1 or 4v2. Where extra people will question simultaneously with a squad for the same Game type and be put into the other team. Where they quit quickly after giving recon and allow the team to be wiped. So they're friends will raise in rank from easy kill matches.This is nothing new to me. You can actually do this in a lot of games, mostly FPS. It's alarming that this is so prevalent in small team games like this however.I've used 9 games as source info, and found that in 6 of them these issues were present. So that's over %60 of games where players disconnect it's a rigged match.No I won't give you the sources I used to gather.No I don't care if you think I'm lying.Just don't go into ranked without premadess anymore, and you'll notice nobody actually disconnects so frequently in this game without purpose. via /r/HaloWars

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