Monday, June 12, 2017

How to handle high traffic between two programs (X-Post from AskProgramming)

I currently run a bot on that is a multi-part bot, the Engine which is the brain, and the Nodes which relay chat and other various messages between Mixer and the Engine.I ran into an issue today where a channel on Mixer went live with 25,000 viewers and the resulting chat onslaught ended up clogging the websocket connection between the node and engine to the point that the whole engine froze and crashed. I have bandaided the situation but what is the best way to handle this? If a channel is talking at more than 20 messages per second it dosn't relay it to the Engine, (Chat filtering is handled on the node), but I don't like this solution but I don't know how else to handle it. What is the best way to handle massive amounts of traffic between two programs. Both programs are built in Java, and both are currently running on the same server, though it is designed to be able to handle connecting over some form of network.And before you say "Node is better for this", I only know Java, and this is what I got.Any help would be appreciated, thank you. via /r/javahelp

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