Sunday, June 11, 2017

[H][US] 908 4/10M Shadow Priest seeks new raiding home for Tomb of Sargeras +

I'm a 908, 4/10M shadow priest currently looking for a new guild for Tomb of Sargeras and beyond. I'm Horde currently, but am not against a faction or server transfer, for the right fit, which is why I left server information out of my post.My first and primary goal in my guild search is honestly to find a culture fit, closely followed by a short, 2 weeknight (preferably mythic) progression raiding schedule.A bit about me: I've been playing and raiding in WoW since vanilla, with a short multi-year hiatus from raiding during most of Pandaria and all of Warlords of Draenor. Up until that hiatus from raiding, I was actively clearing content at the highest difficulties available, before the next content patch would become available. As I've gotten older, my priorities have changed, and I'm not interested in progression raids 5 days a week anymore. :) I do however continue to read about my class and spec to better understand how to maximize my dps (or healing as the case may be), as well as watching videos in preparation for upcoming fights.I've raided as a mage, elemental/resto shaman, balance/resto druid, mistweaver monk and shadow priest. I really enjoy playing ranged dps casters, and occasionally healing.In my spare online time, I spend time running mythic+ dungeons, pet battling, playing alts, farming consumables, farming transmogs, etc...If you think there's a chance your guild could be the place for me, my BNET is: Serenity#1267 -- Add me get in touch!Thanks so much for reading! via /r/wowguilds

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