Monday, June 12, 2017

Question for EDAC (Video Game Design)

Hi there!! I'm currently living in the US while I am waiting to be sponsored by my husband. I have done a few community college classes here, but I wasn't able to decide what I wanted to do.One of my teammates (I play hockey) told me he worked for EA and that Bioware was located in Edmonton (I was originally tentative about going into game design in fear of not being able to find a job). He told me artists usually work on contract, and programmers have stable jobs.Anyways, I'm planning to apply to NAIT's program, since it will give me a broad understanding of the industry, but I was wondering if it is still a good idea to attend EDAC after NAIT? Will the classes still be beneficial to me? Or will it be repetitive information? (I can't afford to go straight into EDAC, and I know I can get accepted into NAIT so long as I take the assessment test and apply the first date of applications. I'm 21 and I feel like I'm not accomplishing anything by not being in school)I'm more interested in the art and storytelling aspect of games. Ideally, I'd like to work for Bioware (as I am sure any graduate would), and my dream is to be able to work for Bethesda eventually, as the Elder Scroll series are by far my favorite games to play. I'm an alright artist. I draw, mostly, but I really like painting. I took a beginner painting class at my community college (which I had to drop since the materials became much more than it had said in the syllabus). I feel as if I have the creativity for the game industry, I just lack the art skills, but I feel as if I have potential for it. The counselor I spoke with also said that most of those enrolled at NAIT work in call centers, and that's not the kind of career I want. I want to make art.I'm sorry this post is kind of everywhere- I'm trying to gather my thoughts. My questions are basically "Would EDAC be a good choice for me in this situation?" as well as "What kind of degree/ certificate does EDAC offer for video game design?" (I couldn't seem to find this info on the website).I'd really like to attend this school, as it seems like an amazing opportunity, and I've heard nothing but good things about it. I wouldn't be attending any kind of school until Fall 18, but I am trying to plan ahead. I'm sorry if I sound lost in this thread, I guess I am just trying to figure out what I should do. via /r/Edmonton

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