Sunday, July 16, 2017

I can't seem to get in the mindset of putting my words into action so I can finally lose weight :(.

Serious question. I gained about 10 pounds a year ago and while it's not a whole lot of weight at all, it's definitely noticeable since I'm only 5'2 and it's been stressing me out. My face is noticeably fuller, my body is much softer than before, and clothes don't fit nicely on me. I've been wearing the same five outfits all year because everything else looks bad. Also, I look chubby in pictures and as someone who used to do photo-shoots before, I shy away from them now because the most recent ones I took were awful. I not only look bigger and uncomfortable, but stressed out as well. My weight has ruined my summer. It's gotten to the point where I avoid events because I don't want pictures taken of me.I used to be quite disciplined with my weight and while I never starved myself or went extreme with my diets, I was far better in controlling my portions and eating. I would also have cheat days so that I don't end up binging in the long run. Well, after a horrific breakup with my now ex over a year ago, I just ate like crazy and my sleep schedule got worse. I went through a horrible binge cycle for 9 months and about three months ago (thanks to a great support system of family and friends), I was able to stop the binging. The problem is that I haven't lost any of the weight I gained and I am still eating the wrong foods. I crave carbs all the time and I think about food all the time. I can't seem to get in the mindset of eating healthy again.I don't know what to do. I know it's only 10 pounds and I'm fully aware that there are people out there who have way more to lose but it's still uncomfortable. I know how to eat healthy and know what to do in terms of working out, but I can't seem to put my words into actions. How can I get there? I'm tired of feeling like this. My energy has also gotten low, I feel depressed often, and I just can't seem to get that motivation (even though I really want to lose weight).I would really like to hear from people who have had the same issues and how you've overcame it. Any advice or support is appreciated. via /r/loseit

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