Thursday, June 1, 2017

My ex-GF won't tell me why she broke up with me

To preface, let me just say that this is my first relationship that has involved dating, and it is hers too. For her privacy, I will call her T. So, T and I had been good friends throughout the second nine weeks. Around Valentine's Day, we confessed our love and went out the next Saturday. Since than, T and I dated for about three months. Last month, she told me that she'd rather just be friends when I was textingt date ideas. It was out of the blue; she had been hugging me and being kind and caring to me, and seemed to love me genuinely until then. I was obviously devastated, and when I asked her why she broke up with me, she came up with the shitty excuse of "we're not compatible/we don't have much in common". Bitch you've been dating me for three months and you just found that out? So, I was obviously suspicious. Recently, I have seen her staring at me in class, and when I aksed her about that (over text) and why she really broke up with me, she said something along the lines of "it's just a habit. please leave it" and "i don't want to talk about it. please just leave me alone" respectively. This set more alarms off in my head. I have not texted/spoken to her since. I recently remembered that she said that she had family problems, and that was why she was living with her grandparents often and why her mom couldn't drive us to any dates (her dad is out of the picture). I did meet her mom a few times, and I once went on a walk in the neighborhood with T and her mom and younger brother. She seemed normal and friendly enough. But one time, I remember her sending T rants over text, basically calling her rude and selfish. T has depression and lots of self-hate that she won't explain the cause of; and I think that her mom is the source. I am afraid that her mom is verbally or maybe even physically abusive, or mentally ill. I want her back in my life, and I'm pretty she she wants me to. What should I do? Thanks. via /r/teenagers

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