Monday, June 12, 2017

10 Facts about Ark: Ragnarok Expansion expansion came out of nowhere. Its great to see more mods being sponsored by the devs, and this map has always caught my eye and now that it is official DLC it will be even better.In the video I go over a few basic facts about the expansion for those who are curious about it.Wildcard has a habit of making huge announcements out of nowhere, just like they did with Scorched Earth.I personally really like the map so far (albeit I haven't played much). The map is made by the same people who made Valhalla. I liked Valhalla too but thought it was too big for its own good. They have clearly learned and this map has more going on and feels very natural, the forests in different areas look different and the biomes flow well together.What do yall think of the Expansion so far? via /r/playark

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