Sunday, June 11, 2017

Do I have to pay a landscaping company if they did a horrible job/didn't finish?

TL;DR: Hired landscaping company as a gift to mother, to work x 3 flowerbeds, they delayed service, spent time working already finished flowerbeds they weren't hired to touch. Employees didn't know what they were doing, and didn't show up with equipment needed for job. Agreed on 3 hrs work, they left after 1.5 hrs. Flower beds are still completely unfinished other than work my mother has done as I saw over video chat. Mother's phone calls not returned. Contact company, they say they have been trying to reach me (not shown on email or call history, they're lying), say they were going to come back before billing me. I told them not to come back as they are unable to perform the services we agreed upon. I don't feel I should pay them at all, esp. since they spent most of the time in flowerbeds that were already finished and I had not hired them for.Long story short, mother's birthday and mother's day are within a day of one another. Brothers and I decide to go in for a surprise large present and decide on a "spring yard cleanup" (SYC) listed here from this company as we are out of province and can no longer help her.I contacted them via email, they agree to the "spring yard cleanup", they say they looked at her yard and quote me ~ $100. This was suspiciously cheap, so I listed the services in the package to confirm. They say they were quoting for cutting the yard, and to take away debris (red flag, I know, I should have turned back here).I brought up their website's listing for the SYC, there was some back and forth, and we agree that the flowerbeds are the most important, and they quote me $75 an hour for 3 flowerbeds in the front yard, and three large flowerbeds in the back yard. They agreed that it was to be a surprise, long story short, the delay in services was so long my mother ended up completing all the front flowerbeds herself. I informed them about this and told them only the back flowerbeds were left, and ended up having to tell my mom so she could unlock the back gate for them to do the backyard.They said they'd looked at the property and stated it will take them no more than 3 hours and they'd show up the following Friday. They didn't. When they did finally show up, they sent two girls, maybe high school seniors/university freshmen who basically showed up with gloves and some hand tools. No garden tills, nothing else. My mother apparently had to provide a lot of equipment for them. One apparently had no idea what she was doing, and didn't even know you had to pull weeds up by their roots, and so was just ripping leaves off weeds. My mom had to go and work in the garden with them and teach the more inexperienced one how to do the work. Apparently she didn't even know to eat before doing a day's work of manual labor in the Sun because one of them ended up almost feinting from low blood sugar (my mom's a nurse and ended up giving her medical care). She spent a good portion of her time there sitting down and resting while the other girl did some work.Despite me telling them that the front was finished, and telling them to only do the back yard yard, they apparently spent the vast majority of the time in the front flowerbeds.They were hired for 3 hours, they were only there for 1.5 hours, and when the girls showed up, they didn't know what they were there for, or have any idea of what they were expected to do. They literally said "oh my god, we're going to be here forever". The job was obviously left almost completely unfinished which I saw over video chat when I was talking with my mom. Apparently when I called her she had been outside during the day still working on the back flower gardens.This is obviously not the two young girl's faults, they weren't trained, equipped, informed or prepared for the job they had been sen to do for the company. The information I got was through my mom being a mom and making excuses for the girls because she felt bad for them.What I need to know is if the person who runs the company tries to get me to pay them the $112.50 for the 1.5 hrs they were there, am I going to run into legal problems? I honestly feel so ripped off, they told me that they had gone by my mom's property 3 times to quote it. I feel that I could have hired two kids from down the block and had more work done. I'm in another province and can't go there in person and don't want them going to my mom's house and harassing her. I feel so embarrassed. I feel like I've let my brothers down with this massive flop of a mother's day/birthday present, and like a pretty lousy daughter right now.Any advise? via /r/legaladvice

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