Wednesday, June 7, 2017

NY/Fed labor law

Hello, I am not sure if I am in the right place for this.Training is typically seniority based, and in stages. These stages also determine your pay band. The bold payband was introduced The stages are: Stage 1 initial training AG-Finished initial training (first raise) BoldStage2a-(Third raise)Bold Stage 2-Assistant training D1-First two assistant positions(second raise) D2-All assistant positions (third raise) Stage 3 Training D3-First two positions certified All positions certified-last raiseThere was a recent change that added Stage 2a BEFORE D1 and completing this stage gives you your THIRD raise. This is great for a majority of newcomers; however there are about 10-20/150 employees in Stage 2 training that were DENIED the option to partake in the new training and receive raises. The general consensus was that the line had to be drawn somewhere and it was decided if you were in stage 2 training, you would not have the option of attending the stage 2a training introduced.This decision was not merit nor seniority based and I believe that is a violation of CFR's, but it took place in NY. via /r/legaladvice

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