Monday, June 12, 2017

PC or Laptop? Now or wait? New or Used?

It is my birthday coming up and I along with my family has raised around $1200 for me to buy myself a new computer.Originally I was going to buy a new laptop since right now my current and only computer is an Early 2011 Macbook Pro. So I was just going to spend my entire budget on a laptop to be my new daily driver and then most likely sell the MacbookAfter doing some more research, I'm not so sure.A little about me / my computer needs:I pretty much don't do any gaming. The most intensive game I play is Binding of Isaac. However, I do use really intensive applications (Photoshop, sketchup, Premiere Pro, VMs, IDEs). And even though I don't game currently, I do want to leave that possibility open.The first question: PC or Laptop?Like I said before I was definitely going to get a laptop. But now after thinking about it some more, I'm not sure.One of the biggest reasons that I wanted to get a laptop is because I commute to college so if I need get work in college done I need to use a laptop. However, for college I should really be paying attention to the lecture and not messing around with my computer. Plus I can always take Macbook with me to college if truly necessary.The reason why I started thinking about getting a PC is that you get a lot more bang for your buck with PC components, and if I want to do some light browsing on my bed, I can use my Macbook.I also do want to try being a digital nomad in 1.5 years. So a laptop definitely is necessary for that. But that case would it be better to get the PC for now and get a top of the line laptop in 1.5 years?The second question: Now or Wait?I want to commit to buying something in about two to three weeks max. I haven't followed the PC building news in a couple of years so I'm not well informed about what new stuff is coming out but I do know that something new is coming soon. Are we talking 2 weeks or 6 months? And is it worth the wait?The second question: New or Used?There are a couple of people selling fully built computers on craigslist. I have no problem building it myself but the used ones go for about $100-$200 cheaper then buying everything new. Is there any risk to buying it used. Is it better to spend the extra money and just get new parts all around? What about for individual parts? Or for example, If I can get a used 1080 through craigslist for $400 - $420, is it better to buy that or buy a new 1070 for $420. via /r/buildapc

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