Sunday, July 16, 2017

Can something please be done about derankers?

The amount of derankers in this game is unbelievable. Like, can something please be done about this?Some reason for the increase in derankers must have something to do with the lack of rank reset, and its literally making this game unplayable.The other day I saw a post saying the same thing where people replied saying to just get off the game if it upsets me. Two days ago I get a deranker two days in a row so I rage quit the game. Yesterday I get on, and first game my teammate is a deranker to no fucking surprise. I stop playing because of how awful it is. Today I decide to give it another go, and my first game is awful because of Psyonix's shitty servers and my teammate claims he is lagging balls and it is obvious he is, despite having no connection issues to the server according to his ping. Second game today, you would never guess what happens!!!!!!! ANOTHER goddamn deranker on my team, and I have the enemy team shit talking the entire time. This game is fucking unplayable, and either Psyonix should do something about, or just refund everyone because its bullshit that you can't have an enjoyable competitive experience!Rant over via /r/RocketLeague

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