Thursday, July 13, 2017

Just found out I got the Unhappy Triad: Advice!!!

Hey everkneebody-- A week ago I was playing basketball and the guy I was covering on D kinda stuck his knee out, clipped my leg and twisted my knee into a bad direction. After a wasteful ER visit I was casted and sent on my way to find an MRI. 5 days later, on my 27 birthday I got the MRI. Sent it to a surgeon at HSS to find I tore my ACL, MCL, and Medial Meniscus = the unhappy triad, and let me tell you, it is making me very unhapy. I'm a bit nervous about the surgery, the rehab, getting back to my old athletic self (I skateboard everywhere, train jiu jitsu, run, lift, volleyall, etc). I'm scared about gaining weight. And i'm a 3rd year med student with my shelf exam in psychiatry next Thursday... is it going to be ok? via /r/KneeInjuries

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