Saturday, July 8, 2017

[LoL] Are you guys still "EU" fans?

With "still" I'm obviously implying that you were cheering for EU in general in the past.Personally, in the past I have cheered for all of EU at international tournaments. But since worlds I don't really feel that way anymore, instead I'm happy to see teams like Fnatic and UoL get destroyed.I think seeing the way that the other fanbases have treated G2 for the past year, implying that their teams would have done the same at MSI or even done better despite being down 1-7 (UoL) or 3-7 (Fnatic) across the split has turned my empathy into schadenfreude. I througly enjoyed watching them get rekt for the past 4 days.Off-topic: RR, to me, has shown that we are playing the game the right way. If we can find back to form, turn down on the personal mistakes and understand the meta better we will be the team to punish "the rest" just like TSM did here.G2WIN via /r/G2eSports

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