Sunday, July 16, 2017

Thinking of swapping C.G. Bench for Spoto Press

I've only been on the 531LP for 3 full weeks, after running the Reddit PPL for 4 months or so. Now bench was always a bit of a struggle for me even on the PPL. In the three weeks on nSuns so far, I got 4 reps on the first week, then 2 reps and last week I just got 1 rep on my AMAP set. Meanwhile, the close grip bench was a breeze and my other main lifts are going pretty well too.With bench, I always fail in the mid-range and so I thought Spoto Press might assist that weakness. Now I have two questions regarding this decision:Since Spoto is very similar to the conventional bench press, would I be overdoing the volume a bit, if I'm doing 17 sets (9 sets bench + 8 sets of Spoto) of essentially the same movement on my bench days?If I do make the Spoto press my T2 lift, what percentages should I use? via /r/nSuns

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